Traveling Again

April 5, 2022

I haven’t posted this in a while, but in March I was traveling again. Both for work and family fun. Masks mostly limited to the airports and taxis:

Grill Your Pizza

September 22, 2020

I like making pizza. It’s a bit silly given the incredible pizza options in Brooklyn, but it’s a fun family thing to do. My wife gave me a pizza stone for Fathers Day. The summer flew by, we were on vacation, etc. so I hadn’t tried it. Last week I finally gave it a shot. We typically make several small pizzas so we did one on the stone (on our grill) and the rest the conventional way in case it didn’t work well. I didn’t have a pizza peel to get it on/off the grill (didn’t even know it was called a peel) so I had no idea how it would work.

It was yummy. Basically identical pizzas, but done on the grill at 600 degrees (the stone pre-heats on the grill) made the crust much better. You definitely need the pizza peel, so I ordered one from Amazon. My wife picked up a second pizza stone so we could make two at once. It only takes 5 minutes to cook at that temperature, so we can crank out 4 pizzas in 10 minutes.

We will be grilling pizza from now on…

July and August

September 3, 2020

I apparently missed posting my July Google Maps timeline, so for posterity sake, here is July and August.

July includes some college visits (empty campus visits, very odd) and vacation in Cape Cod:

August has even more range, but still drivable. Not sure when I’ll fly.

June 2020

July 8, 2020

We are definitely venturing out. In June I got well outside of New York City. We have family in Wappingers Falls that we actually visited. I even made it to Connecticut once. Big travel.

Let’s keep those Covid numbers down.

Food Coma

September 30, 2019

Yesterday was one of our favorite days, the Atlantic Antic street fair. We live on Atlantic, so this is a mile of food, etc. right out our door. You can see previous blog posts about it.


My youngest daughter and I like to walk the street around 10:30 while they are setting up.


The corn stands are always ready early. She’s amused at having roast corn for breakfast.


There’s music and kid’s stuff and vendors but for me this street fair is all about food. Things I ate include:

Spanish church food:

Local high end butcher shop:

  • Beef Brisket
  • Pulled Pork
  • Fried Chicken (super good)

German stand had Bauernwurst

A Chilean street food stand was a big hit with this thing:


It’s a hot dog with guacamole, salsa, diced tomatoes and Merken seasoning. Yummy. There was an Italian lamb skewer stand that was awesome. And of course we had the standards, roast corn, sausage and peppers and the fried potato on a stick thing:


The local gumbo joint did a gator roast but I didn’t get any this year. They limited it to only being sold after 5:00 (the Antic runs from 12 – 6) and we just weren’t near there at the right time. It looked impressive:


Finally, this stand has been there the last few years and this year it was literally right in front of our place, the first thing we saw as we walked out the door:


These are Japanese octopus balls, but for the record, I did not eat Karls Balls…





Google Enhanced

August 28, 2019

If you have Google Photos you know that Google has an algorithm that identifies certain photos and automatically “enhances” them for you. I don’t know if the algorithm likes sunsets or it’s just because our vacation is on a great sunset beach (so I took lots of sunset pictures), but I got a ton of enhanced photos. These are all basically the same picture from the same vantage point on different days.

One of the great things about Skaket Beach is the crazy tides. At low tide you can walk straight out about a mile. I like going on Google Maps and taking a screenshot of my location…

Screenshot_20190729-162432 (1)

I wasn’t in a boat, I was standing on sand.

Vacation Sunset 3

August 22, 2018

Oh fine, one more…



Vacation Sunset 2

August 21, 2018

And another…


Vacation Sunset 1

August 20, 2018

The sunsets on Skaket Beach are awesome and I generally take way too many pictures of them. And they always are better than the pictures. Regardless, here’s one…



August 19, 2018

Low tide at Skaket Beach is great for sandcastles and once in a while a pro shows up. The other day we watched this being made:

Yes, that’s real fire coming out of the dragon’s mouth.

The next day just one of the guys showed up for a quick one:

They post on Instagram: @sandywork60